As a digital marketing agency in Charleston, South Carolina, we help clients produce effective advertising campaigns for LinkedIn. LinkedIn was created in 2002 to connect companies and people with similar professional backgrounds. With over 400 million members, it makes sense that businesses and professionals are taking advantage of the site. Many are unaware of the benefits LinkedIn provides; it is a perfect place to begin building professional relationships and to engage in targeted business-to-business (B2B) marketing. In this article, we will explain how to reach your target audience, sponsor content, and the costs associated with LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns. As a strategic social media marketing agency in Charleston, South Carolina, Our social media marketing professionals help you to understand LinkedIn marketing strategies.
How Can I Reach My Target Audience Using LinkedIn in South Carolina?
To help quickly determine the most profitable target audience, LinkedIn’s Direct Sponsored Content allows you to run similar ads for multiple audiences. This, in turn, allows marketers to compare performance in real-time and optimize campaigns on the fly.
Targeting the right audience with your Direct Sponsored Content campaign is similar to other LinkedIn ad types. If you already have personas that characterize your target audience, you can leverage them for Direct Sponsored Content campaigns, especially if your persona includes work-related information, like job titles, as that is the type of information you will use to target your audience with a LinkedIn campaign.
What is Sponsored Content on LinkedIn?
Sponsored content is similar to a status update on Facebook, it is a way to promote company updates in a user’s update feed on the home page of LinkedIn. You can promote multiple kinds of content, such as videos, articles, or images. With the ad copy, create something that makes people want to visit your home page. Strike a balance between a sales pitch and conversation-engaging questions. While engaging in conversation can be worthwhile for brand awareness, if your goal is to generate leads, you want people clicking on your ad.
Sponsored content ads are probably the best way to get engagement with your ads, but they are more expensive than other ad models because they have a higher reach. You can bid to optimize your sponsored content on a CPM ( cost per thousand impressions) or CPC (cost per click) model.
What are the Costs Associated with LinkedIn Ads?
As with any CPC ads, it depends on your targeting criteria and your competition. The ad costs start around $2 and can be as much as $5 per click or more, with the higher end typically coming into play when your click-through rates aren’t fantastic. LinkedIn has established a good click-through rate at 0.025%, but with targeted ads, your click-through rate can be much higher. A key factor in a successful click-through rate is changing your ads often, at least once a month. New ads get a boost in terms of impressions and have a chance of scoring a higher click-through rate than your previous ads. Do not run more than two ads at a time; test early and test often.
Contact Premier Digital Ad Agency in Charleston, South Carolina
As the premier digital marketing agency and digital ad agency in Charleston, South Carolina, we have created many successful LinkedIn ad campaigns for our clients. Contact our SEO company, Digital Coast Marketing, and let our teamwork for yours.